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Courtesy Essay in English| Courtesy Short Essay|Courtesy Essay Outline


The politeness of the courtesy cause is merely the applied wisdom's jewels. Some of the proverbs that our parents drilled into our need to be repeated.
The aggressively competitive times of today encourage hostility, accompanied by rudeness and poor manners, which are indications of unpleasant emotions. The creed of the contemporary smarty seems to be superiority, animosity, and "loving hearts" be damned.
It is an act of bravery and decorum. A man's life is much improved by his courtesy. One must act with modesty, refinement, and appropriate clothing when speaking and interacting with people.

The ability to treat others with respect and restraint is referred to as courtesy. It entails treating individuals with respect by being courteous, open-minded, and polite towards them in our interactions.
Although it costs nothing, courtesy generates a large benefit. Everyone respects and likes a person who is courteous. Among his friends and family, this kind of individual is still extremely prevalent. Everyone is ready to assist him when he needs it. These polite, well-behaved individuals are the foundation of a good society and government. However, there are fewer of these people around these days. Our culture suffers greatly from negative disruptive behaviors because of this. It's because courtesy fosters a wonderful spirit of coexistence.
Most of the people we see on a daily basis tend to be arrogant, irritable, and self-centered. They don't love anyone else or receive affection from anyone else.

By teaching and establishing the standards of polite behavior and civility in younger, secondary, and children, respectively, the leaders, firstborn, and parents have a significant impact on the courtesy and behavior of our society and nation. Teachers can serve as excellent role models for our kids by acting in the proper manner. It is essential to maintain the importance of civility in schools. In order to build a healthy society, it also has government guidelines and a nursing method.

*When obtaining qualifications, respectful language should be used. Any criticism of the forefront must be avoided because it will make him uncomfortable. We ought to congratulate one another and extend a cordial invitation. If someone enters the room while we are drinking tea or eating, we must invite him to take the same thing that we are now eating. When interacting with strangers in our city, we must practice good manners. This strongly communicates to the newcomers the excellent ethical standards of our city.

(Additional Regular Content)

The fundamental teachings of all major world religions center on moral standards and ethical principles. It would be accurate to claim that the foundations of contemporary civilization and culture were only established by adhering to these rules and ideals. These values separate humans from other animals.

The highest ranking of all God's creations, man, possesses a moral sense that enables him to develop friendly and positive relationships with other people. He is capable of distinguishing between good and evil. In actuality, the practical manifestation of this ability is courtesy.

It is characterized as showing regard and respect for others by the Encyclopaedia Britannica. It encompasses character traits including kindness, cooperation, forgiveness, modesty, truthfulness in dealings, gratitude, unselfishness, and loyalty to agreements. These are the values that govern our interactions not only with our loved ones but also with our enemies and friends, bringing peace and joy into our lives. Life would be cruel and poisonous without these virtues. God has often commanded us to be respectful and humble towards others because of this.

He states in the Sacred Qur'an:

"You must unquestionably have high moral perfection." (68.5)

The most well-mannered person ever was our holy prophet (may peace be upon him). He never engaged in boisterous conversation and always spoke softly and courteously. He would say

"Those of you with the best character are the best among you." (Bukhari).

"Reap what you sow," the adage goes.

    We desire to be treated with decency, respect, and love. Just as respect for others breeds respect for ourselves, so too does respect for others. This golden rule should serve as the foundation for how we view and act towards every human being, regardless of whether they share our caste, religion, or nationality.

Being courteous offers perks and benefits of its own. Thus, it pleases not only our God but also His creation. It increases public favorability for us. It makes us feel comradery and friendship. Most importantly, it provides us with the door to paradise after death.
Everyone despises those who are unfriendly, rude, and imperious. They are left alone, friendless, and unloved since no one values or appreciates them. The absence of the angelic emotions of adoration, esteem, compassion, and politeness is equivalent to living in a hell where the raging fires of disrespect, rudeness, envy, and cruelty consume our bodies, brains, and souls.

Let's show everyone respect. Let's respect and adore one another. Let's fill our hearts with "the milk of human kindness" so that one day this world could be transformed into an earthly paradise.

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