
Short Essay on Corruption

Corruption is a poison that permeates society, a neighborhood, and a whole nation.
The wrongdoing of the person or group of people is to get an unfair advantage in order to gratify their trivial needs.
It relates to someone in a government or non-government organization using their position and authority in an unneeded and improper manner.
It significantly contributes to inequalities in society and the community because it has an impact on both individual and national growth.
It has an impact on the nation's growth and development in many spheres, including socially, economically, and politically.
The exploitation of public assets, reputations, positions of authority, and resources for one's own gain constitutes corruption.
It relates to someone in a government or non-government organization using their position and authority in an unneeded and improper manner. It significantly contributes to inequalities in society and the community because it impacts both individual and national growth.
It impacts the nation's growth and development in many spheres, including socially, economically, and politically.

Long Essay on Corruption

The exploitation of public assets, reputations, positions of authority, and resources for one's own gain constitutes corruption.

It is an improper use of public power for some private benefit by violating certain rules and laws made by the government. It is the abuse of authority for the personal gain of a person or group.

Today, it has profoundly permeated society and is comparable to cancer in that once it manifests, it cannot be treated medically without further spreading its roots.

Obtaining money through internet transfers, costly presents, etc. is a frequent kind of corruption in our nation.
Some people improperly use other people's money for their own gain. Some people hired into government or non-government positions engage in corruption and will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.
We are aware of the negative impacts of corruption, which has been ingrained in society as a whole and is not a recent phenomena in our nation.

It has been a pervasive poison in society since the Mughal and Sultanate eras.

Additionally, it has greatly impacted people's thinking as a result of reaching a new height and becoming so widespread that some self-centered individuals feel free to manipulate public life.

This particular form of greed corrupts people's minds and kills their humanity and sincerity.
Nowadays, corruption spreads like an infectious disease throughout society.

Great Indian leaders spent their entire careers fighting against social ills like corruption.

Even after losing so many outstanding people, it is extremely shameful for us that we are still unable to recognise our true obligations.

Corruption has taken over all facets of the public sector, including politics, national and state governments, enterprises, and industries, among others.

The desire for wealth, power, position, and luxury is growing steadily, not decreasing or being stable, and this is causing corruption.

Because of money, we have lost sight of our true human obligations, and we must realise that material wealth does not constitute everything.
Additionally, rather than valuing a life based on riches, we ought to value a life based on morality.

While it is true that we require a lot of money to live a healthy life, it is untrue that we should toy with people's lives inappropriately out of selfishness or greed.

Long Complete Essay on Corruption for University Students

Nowadays, corruption spreads like an infectious disease throughout society.

Great Indian leaders spent their entire careers fighting against social ills like corruption.

Even after losing so many outstanding people, it is extremely shameful for us that we are still unable to recognise our true obligations.

Corruption has taken over all facets of the public sector, including politics, national and state governments, enterprises, and industries, among others.

The desire for wealth, power, position, and luxury is growing steadily, not decreasing or being stable, and this is causing corruption.We can't maintain it forever because it will only breed corruption and greed in us.

Additionally, rather than valuing a life based on riches, we ought to value a life based on morality.

While it is true that we require a lot of money to live a healthy life, it is untrue that we should toy with people's lives inappropriately out of selfishness or greed.
It's bad when corruption gets in the way of people's ability to progress as people and as a society.

It is a societal evil that socially, economically, and intellectually toy with people's bodies and minds.Due to an increase in human hunger for paying bribes, power, and status, it is commonly growing deeper roots.

The misuse of natural resources and public power by a person to further their own interests is known as corruption.

India is reportedly one of the three most corrupt nations, with corrupt activities taking place in the government, politics, business, and other criminal industries.

Although India is a nation renowned for its democracy, corruption undermines that system.

All forms of corruption in the nation are caused by political corruption.

We had chosen our leaders and expected them to guide our nation in the correct way. After voting, they forget many of the pledges they made while campaigning and start engaging in corruption.Make sure that there is no corruption in the nation and that our political leaders are not greedy. Instead of using it for their own pleasures and wishes, they will use their position, riches, power, and status to move the nation in the correct path.

Like our first Indian leaders like Lal Bahadur Shastri, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, etc., we should pick truthful and reliable individuals to lead our country since they can minimise corruption in India.

The nation's youth should be educated on all the factors that contribute to corruption and work together as a group to find solutions.

To kerb the rising level of corruption, some essential measures must be implemented seriously.No one is born to engage in such immoral actions in society, but adversities in his life forced him to do so. Corruption is a very contagious societal disease that has its roots in the thoughts of bad individuals.

They gradually get to know all of these bad practises. However, people dealing with any issue or illness need to be patient, have confidence in their abilities, and live morally upright lives.

As a result, one person's bad decision might have a huge impact on many lives.

Since there are many others like us and we are not the only beings on this planet, we should consider others and strive to live a happy, peaceful life.The government provides benefits, but the poor do not benefit from them because many officials covertly corrupt the channels through which the benefits go before they reach the poor.

They are working against the law as an anti-corruption committee to line their own wallets with cash.

The causes of corruption in society are numerous. In place of nation-oriented programmes and policies, political leaders now develop assurance programmes and policies.

Instead of just serving the needs and interests of the people, they want to become well-known politicians.

The degree of change in the human value system has increased, and at the same time, human morality is deteriorating.As corruption is tolerated more and more, there are more and more regular individuals. The reason for pervasive corruption in public life is that society lacks a strong public platform to combat it. Other contributing factors include widespread illiteracy in rural areas and weak economic infrastructure.

Government employees often receive minimal pay, which exposes them to corruption. Ordinary people are discouraged from obtaining any aid from the government due to the complicated laws and procedures of the government.

Political parties always help the poor and ignorant during their election by projecting huge visions for the future, but little happens after victory. This is because corruption is at its height during election time.Both within India and outside, corruption has spread like a plague. In Indian society, it has emerged as one of the societal problems with the quickest growth. Usually, aggressive leaders start it off and encourage it.

They never consider the interests of the country and never compromise those interests by engaging in corruption, no matter how little the advantages may be.

Additionally, they promote false information about India among people in other nations and sell their nation's wealth to the wrong people.

For their own gain, they are destroying India's ancient customs and cultures.Because there is a strong relationship between the government employees, politicians, and criminals who are making India's economy weaker and weaker, corruption there is growing daily.

When India gained her independence in 1947, it was steadily growing stronger and developing, but in the interim, the corruption illness began to spread and prevented India from progressing.In India, it's becoming more common to pay and receive payment for services rendered at public or private businesses.

As before, money was paid for doing labour, but at the moment, money is paid for doing the right thing at the right time, which is making the situation worse and worse.

Even after paying the full amount requested, there is still no guarantee that the task will be completed on time and correctly, and people continue to engage in corruption in all areas.

Everything has turned into a business and a technique to improperly make money.Educational institutions are corrupt as well, and they only offer seats to those who have paid, regardless of whether the students have received good grades or not.

Due to corruption, students get admitted to the best institutions and universities, and the top student, although receiving outstanding grades, only experiences difficulties in life.

Today, working for a private company is far preferable to working for the government. Private businesses focus their employment decisions on a candidate's abilities, technical knowledge, grade-point average, and overall academic performance.

To gain a job in a government office now requires a lot of bribery, whether it be for a high level post or a low level one like teaching, clerk, nurse, doctor, sweeper, etc.